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A Bit of History
A Bit About Me


Cycle from Limoges to Paris, the long way around.

Can an ordinary man, with sensible preparation, complete one of the toughest sporting events in the world? Can I, Peter Milner, cycle unsupported over 4000KM to complete a full circuit of France? Do I have the physical stamina and mental fortitude required to endure?

Probably not but I'm going to try anyway. Please read on to discover what I'm attempting to do. If you dont want to read on thats fine, just click here.

Click these links to find out what I'm planning to. do

1970 Souvenier Map

A Bit of History

On the 27 June 1970 Eddie Merckx lined up at the start in Limoges for the first stage of the 57th Tour de France. The reigning champion was already in the yellow jersey, having won the previous days prologue time trial. Ahead of the young Belgium cyclist lay 4352KM of hard racing against the worlds elite. Over the next 23 days "The Cannibal" would show why he would be remembered as the greatest ever individual cyclist.

At the time I was a thousand miles away in a small town in West Yorkshire, a month old baby boy sleeping quietly in my crib. I would remain blissfully unaware of the world of professional cycling until shortly after my tenth birthday. One day in July I turned on the TV and saw two men on bikes battle their way to the top of a mountain. Fascinated by the spectacle I formed a lifelong affinity with the Tour de France and the men who completed it.

Now nearly 40 years old and not in ideal condition , I will try to emmulate my heroes.

Eddie Merckx in yellow..again

A Bit About Me

For those who don't know me, I am a Chartered Electrical Engineer working for a Building Services Design practice in York. I live with my long term partner Sally in Church Fenton.

Up to now my two wheeled career has been somewhat chequered. Falls from both bicycles and motorbikes have resulted in a catalogue of broken bones. The latest and most serious of my accidents occurred in June 2005 when I crashed a Honda VFR750 into an Audi. This has resulted in permanent surgical implants in my left thigh, shin and arm. 30 months of treatment including 5 operations have left me intact but as yet unable to run. The only serious sporting activity I can now compete in is cycling.

Never previously more than a leisure cyclist, and in recent years preferring an engine to pedals, I have used cycling to rehabilitate myself. By the time of the start I will have spent 2 years training for the event. This is what lies ahead of me.

Yes it did hurt humerus, not very
Send your comments and questions to Peter Milner